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seller fiancing a home - is it your best option?

Are you thinking about selling your home? Has someone approached you about seller financing the home? Is this an option that you need to know more about? Working with a real estate agent can help you avoid costly mistakes when selling your home. He or she can help you learn about seller financing and determine if it would be a good option for you to consider. My real estate agent helped me sell my home to a wonderful family that didn't have credit that was established enough to take out a traditional mortgage. Visit my site to find out what we looked for to determine if this was a wise decision for us to make.


seller fiancing a home - is it your best option?

3 Important Bits Of Information To Make The Real Estate Listing For Your Luxury Home Stand Out

by Dan Vasquez

Owning a piece of luxury real estate and then deciding to sell it can bring about a few challenges. Luxury homes tend to have a far higher market value, and this market value is only attractive to a select group of prospective buyers. Therefore, when you create the listing for your home, you have to make sure that the listing contains exactly what it should to attract the right buyers. If you want to draw more interest to your luxury home for sale, there are three important bits of information to make sure you include in the real estate listings

Don't be shy about including the listing price. 

Many homeowners who are trying to sell their luxury property will avoid sharing the actual price in the listing, either because they are afraid they will scare off buyers or reveal too much about their own personal finances. However, prospective buyers who will be looking for a luxury home will want to get straight to the point where price is concerned. So not including the listing price in your actual listing is not such a good idea because this may even turn buyers off completely. 

Include information about when luxury amenities were installed. 

Maybe your luxury home has a in-ground pool, an indoor spa, or even an integrated wet room or basketball court. Whatever these features are, they should definitely be included in detail in your real estate description. However, it is also a good idea to share when these amenities were added to the home if they were added after the home was built. Many luxury home features come down in value after a period of time because it is more likely that something could fail or need extensive repairs. 

Offer information about the specific neighborhood where the home is located. 

Investing in a piece of luxury real estate is not something anyone will take too lightly because these homes have a much higher price tag. Because of this, prospective buyers will want to review the listing and garner as much information as possible about the home and its location. So make sure you offer pertinent details about not just the home and the property, but where the home is situated. For example, if the house is located in an upscale neighborhood or close to a desirable school opportunity, include this information so buyers will know a little more about the area. 
